Living Unit Poster
To create a hand out for an architectural project and debate called Living Unit* as a port of London Design Festival 2018. Due to such a busy time for London with many other amazing showrooms and exhibitions, it needed to be eye catching and strong visual to support this hot topic, minimal living.
*Living Unit was initiated by AKT II and OFIS Architects, the unit was born out of a larger initiative to research into homes in extreme environments, changes of rising costs of land, and the unprecedented draw to live in cities like London. Living Unit was open to the public throughout September 2018 at the White Collar Factory in Old Street, London and this small piece architecture had about 1,500 visitors during the festival.
D E S I G N D i r e c t i o n
Erica Yunwook Choi
P r i n t i n g
T e c h n i c a l W r i t e r
Joshua Simpson