Designer mentoring Form (scroll down) 

Who can join
Designers, Design students, Career wonderer

Types of help
A - Portfolio
B - CV 이력서
C - Email or Instagram DM writing tips
D - Studio/ Design team culture Q&A 
E - UK culture Q&A 
F - Job seeking Q&A 
G - Others 기타 

Types of design
A - Branding 
B - Graphic Design 
C - Digital Product Design 
D - Motion Design 
E - Others

Where & When
The consultation is conducted on a one-to-one basis via Google Meet, and I will contact you via email later to schedule a meeting time.
상담은 1:1로 Google Meet 으로 진행하고 있으며 추후 제가 이메일로 연락을 드려서 만날 약속시간을 정하게 됩니다.

This is a paid service that is being offered for the price of 5-10 cups of coffee. We will send you the link prior to the consultation.
커피 5-10잔 가격으로 진행하고 있는 유료 서비스입니다. 링크는 상담전 보내드립니다. 
I will get in touch with you within 7 days. Please add my email address ( so, you prevent my emails from going to spam.​ 쓰시는 이메일에 주소를 저장해주시면 제 이메일이 스팸/ 프로모션 메일박스로 가는 리스크가 줄어듭니다.
Erica Choi, at the helm of Studio EYC, is a seasoned Brand and Graphic designer based in London. With over 16 years of experience, Erica has been a dynamic force in the design landscape, operating from bases in both London and Seoul. Her work stands as a testament to her unwavering passion, consistently delivering creative solutions that exceed client expectations across diverse sectors, including fashion, lifestyle, education, services, and architecture, engaging with a multitude of clients.
In addition to her role as a visiting professor at London Metropolitan University, Erica is a frequent participant in design events and podcasts, contributing her insights as a respected panellist. Her mentoring goes beyond the conventional, offering a unique blend of industry wisdom, creative flair, and a global perspective. Explore the transformative world of design with Erica Choi as your mentor.

런던과 서울을 기반으로 활동하는 16년차 디자이너. 자신의 스튜디오를 론칭하기전 글로벌 자동차 회사  Ford Britain 디자인 랩, D-Ford 에서 창의적이고 감성이 담긴 미래 Ford 브랜드 경험을 디자인했다.
패션, 라이프스타일, 교육, 서비스업 그리고 건축 부문에서 많은 클라이언트와 작업을 지속하고 있으며 런던메트로폴리탄 객원교수로 강의를 나가고 있으며 때때로 디자인 이벤트, 팟케스트등에 패널로 참여 하고있다. 

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